Congress Registration Fee

Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Programmes at Faculties of Education (EPDAD)

EPDAD Account Information:

Akbank 0389 Kuyubasi/Istanbul

Account No:0131889

IBAN: TR66 0004 6003 8988 8000 1318 89

EPDAD Membership Fee

Due to the temporary 1st item of the the association guideline; 

  • Entry fee is; $ 50
  • Annual membership fee is; $ 50

Due to 6st item of the guideline  of the association; who don't pay their membership fees despite written warnings, removed from EPDAD membership by the Management Council. 




Faculty Member

 (Member of EPDAD)

250 TL

Faculty Member 

(Non-Member of EPDAD)

350 TL

 Lecturer, Research Assistant

300 TL

Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Teachers

200 TL


100 TL

23 April 2018, Monday 2245 times read